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Free Developmental Assessment

Wondering if Your Child Is Hitting the Developmental Milestones for Their Age?

We are pleased that you have found us. We are here to help your child achieve their full potential with their developmental milestones. These milestones are guides that can tell us if a child needs a little extra help making their best progress as they grow up.

If you are wondering about your child’s developmental milestones, review the following developmental milestones checklist and check off which of the following activities your child is unable to do or struggles with.

One of our staff will reach out to you promptly to provide a FREE phone consultation on the results of this assessment and explain the possible benefits to your child from Pediatric Physical Therapy.

Our Services

Wendy Kaplan-Lager and her staff are dedicated to helping children achieve their best and most independent lives. At Physical Therapy 4 Kids, you will find specialists who treat:

  • Medically Fragile Children
  • Down Syndrome
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • And much more

We look forward to contacting you about your child’s developmental assessment soon.

Contact Us for More Information!