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Toe Walking in Children

Most children learn to walk between 12-15 months of age with their feet flat on the ground.  Some children who are first learning to walk may walk up on their toes or on the balls of their feet.  This typically disappears within 3-6 months of regular walking.  Habitual toe walking

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Home Optimization for Stay-at-Home Parents

By Bailey Chauner Before you became a stay-at-home parent, you may have felt that caring for your kids at home would be a fulfilling and enriching life. As true as that maybe now that you are with your children full-time, you may also find that life as a stay-at-home parent can

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Idiopathic Toe Walking and ADHD

Article source: Your Therapy Source Recent research examined the relationship between idiopathic toe walking and ADHD. Idiopathic toe walking was defined as a gait pattern with no contact between the heels and the ground in children older than three years. The study included 312 children diagnosed with ADHD, with a normal

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Torticollis & Plagiocephaly

What is Torticollis & Plagiocephaly? Torticollis is defined as a muscular tightness in the muscles on one side of the neck. The Sternocleidomastoid muscle is most commonly affected. Muscles on the opposite side of the affected side may become weak due to the abnormal head posture. The most optimal time to

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